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Art of Life Admin

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Nakladnici Viking, siječanj 2019
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Art of Life Admin, written and read by Elizabeth Emens... Cijeli opis
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Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Art of Life Admin, written and read by Elizabeth Emens. This book will give you many hours of your life back. Every day, an unseen form of labour creeps into our lives, stealing precious moments of free time, placing a strain on our schedules and relationships, and earning neither appreciation nor compensation in return. Scheduling doctor's appointments. Planning a party. Buying a present. Filling out paperwork. This labour is 'life admin' - the kind of secretarial and managerial work necessary to run a life and a household. Elizabeth Emens was a working mother with two young children, swamped like so many of us, when she realised that life admin was consuming her. Desperate to survive and to help others along the way, she gathered favourite tips and tricks, admin confessions, and the secrets of admin-happy households. Drawing on her research and writing in a wholly original manner, Emens shows how this form of labour is created and how it affects our lives; how we might reduce, redistribute and even prevent it; what 'admin personalities' we might have; and how to deal with admin in relationships. The Art of Life Admin is the book that will teach us all how to do less of it, and to do it better.

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