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Bringing Down Goliath

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Nakladnici Virgin Digital, travanj 2023
Brought to you by Penguin.*Picked as a 2023 highlight by the Guardian*A revealing, empowering vision... Cijeli opis
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Bringing Down Goliath Jolyon Maugham / Meki uvez 15.35

Brought to you by Penguin.*Picked as a 2023 highlight by the Guardian*A revealing, empowering vision of how the law can work better for all of us, from Jolyon Maugham KC, founder of Good Law Project.Our legal system often feels like it only works for the rich and powerful - for those who have the means to use the courts to enforce their will and defend their interests. But we can fight back.Jolyon Maugham KC founded Good Law Project in 2017 with the belief that the law can also put power in the hands of ordinary people. It has brought a series of landmark cases against a dishonest and increasingly autocratic government and won widespread acclaim in successfully reversing Boris Johnson's unlawful suspension of Parliament. Already the largest legal campaign group in the UK, Good Law Project is shining light into corners the establishment would rather keep dark - from the failures of Brexit to the still-developing PPE scandal, to the tax arrangements of business giants like Uber.In Bringing Down Goliath, Jolyon Maugham shares his inspiration and his purpose, and he reveals the story behind these landmark cases and the hidden fault lines of our judiciary system. He offers an empowering, bold new vision for how the law can work better for all of us in the fight against injustice.(c)2023 Jolyon Maugham (P)2023 Penguin Audio

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Bringing Down Goliath
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Audio knjiga - MP3
Datum izdanja 2023
EAN 9780753560082
Libristo kod 44844654
Nakladnici Virgin Digital
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