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Catwoman: Soulstealer (DC Icons series)

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Catwoman: Soulstealer (DC Icons series) Sarah J Maas
Libristo kod: 39626460
Nakladnici Penguin Books, kolovoz 2018
Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Mass, read by Julia Whela... Cijeli opis
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Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Mass, read by Julia Whelan. When the Bat's away, the Cat will play. It's time to see how many lives this cat really has. . . . Two years after escaping Gotham City's slums, Selina Kyle returns as the mysterious and wealthy Holly Vanderhees. She quickly discovers that with Batman off on a vital mission, Batwing is left to hold back the tide of notorious criminals. Gotham City is ripe for the taking. Meanwhile, Luke Fox wants to prove he has what it takes to help people in his role as Batwing. He targets a new thief on the prowl who seems cleverer than most. She has teamed up with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, and together they are wreaking havoc. This Catwoman may be Batwing's undoing. In this third DC Icons book--following Leigh Bardugo's Wonder Woman: Warbringer and Marie Lu's Batman: Nightwalker--Selina is playing a desperate game of cat and mouse, forming unexpected friendships and entangling herself with Batwing by night and her devilishly handsome neighbor Luke Fox by day. But with a dangerous threat from the past on her tail, will she be able to pull off the heist that's closest to her heart?

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