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Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Deep James Nestor
Libristo kod: 11109570
Nakladnici Audible Studios on Brilliance audio, studeni 2016
A New York Times Book ReviewEditors' Choice.An Amazon Best Science Book of 2014. AScientific America... Cijeli opis
? points 33 b
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A New York Times Book ReviewEditors' Choice.An Amazon Best Science Book of 2014. AScientific AmericanRecommended Read.Deepis a voyage from the ocean's surface to its darkest trenches, the most mysterious places on Earth. Fascinated by the sport of freedivingýýýin which competitors descend to great depths on a single breathýýýJames Nestor embeds with a gang of oceangoing extreme athletes and renegade researchers. He finds whales that communicate with other whales hundreds of miles away, sharks that swim in unerringly straight lines through pitch-black waters, and other strange phenomena. Most illuminating of all, he learns that these abilities are reflected in our own remarkable and often hidden potentialýýýincluding echolocation, directional sense, and the profound bodily changes humans undergo when underwater. Along the way Nestor unlocks his own freediving skills as he communes with the pioneers who are expanding our definition of what is possible in the natural worldýýýand in ourselves.

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