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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown (Book 13)

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown (Book 13) Jeff Kinney
Libristo kod: 39626578
Nakladnici Puffin, listopad 2018
Brought to you by Puffin. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series are now presented in awesome binaural au... Cijeli opis
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Brought to you by Puffin. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series are now presented in awesome binaural audio. Listen with headphones for the full, glorious, effect! When snow shuts down Greg Heffley's middle school, his neighbourhood transforms into a wintry battlefield. Rival groups fight over territory, build massive snow forts, and stage epic snowball fights. And in the crosshairs are Greg and his trusty best friend, Rowley Jefferson. It's a fight for survival as Greg and Rowley navigate alliances, betrayals, and warring gangs in a neighbourhood meltdown. When the snow clears, will Greg and Rowley emerge as heroes? Or will they even survive to see another day?For the best listening experience, make sure to download in high-quality. (c) Jeff Kinney 2018 (P) Penguin Audio 2020

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