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Greg the Sausage Roll: Santa's Little Helper

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Greg the Sausage Roll: Santa's Little Helper Mark Hoyle
Libristo kod: 39629590
Nakladnici Puffin, studeni 2021
Brought to you by Puffin. The tinsel is up in the bakery, the lights are twinkling and the mince pie... Cijeli opis
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Brought to you by Puffin. The tinsel is up in the bakery, the lights are twinkling and the mince pies are sold out. It's CHRISTMAS EVE! Greg the Sausage Roll is so excited he could burst. And when he's scooped up as a last-minute treat for Santa, he's catapulted into a magical festive caper beyond his wildest dreams. Hold on tight for a spectacular sausage roll-ercoaster of an adventure!Developed and written by the social media phenomenon that is LadBaby - the king and queen of Christmas and of sausage rolls - this is set to be a truly unmissable book release. (c) Mark and Roxanne Hoyle 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021

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