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House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus Book 4)

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus Book 4) Rick Riordan
Libristo kod: 39587269
Nakladnici Puffin, ožujak 2014
The fourth book in the bestselling Heroes of Olympus series - set in the explosive world of Percy Ja... Cijeli opis
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The fourth book in the bestselling Heroes of Olympus series - set in the explosive world of Percy Jackson - now available in this unabridged audio download.The stakes have never been higher. If Percy Jackson and Annabeth fail in their quest, there'll be hell on Earth. Literally.Wandering the deadly realm of Tartarus, every step leads them further into danger. And, if by some miracle they do make it to the Doors of Death, there's a legion of bloodthirsty monsters waiting for them.Meanwhile, Hazel and the crew of the Argo II have a choice: to stop a war or save their friends. Whichever road they take one thing is certain - in the Underworld, evil is inescapable. Rick Riordan has now sold an incredible 55 million copies of his books worldwide

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