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How Not to Be a Professional Racing Driver

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga How Not to Be a Professional Racing Driver Jason Plato
Libristo kod: 39627212
Nakladnici Penguin Books, rujan 2019
Brought to you by Penguin. Two-time championship-winning and record-breaking racing driver, Jason Pl... Cijeli opis
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Brought to you by Penguin. Two-time championship-winning and record-breaking racing driver, Jason Plato is a living, breathing example of what you shouldn't do if you want to become a professional racing driver:DO NOT Almost kill Bernie Ecclestone Give Prince Charles the finger on the M42 Choose fags and booze over the gym Steal a JCB in Monaco and end up in prison there - twice Make enemies with a 6ft 6"e; rival who is a black belt in everythingSince joining the Williams Touring Car team in 1997 it's no coincidence that he has had more race wins than Lewis Hamilton and Stirling Moss, competed in more races than Jenson Button and set the largest number of fastest laps ever. But it's also no coincidence that he once spent several days in prison in Monaco for stealing a JCB. He's a rule breaker who has had more than his fair share of near-death experiences, drunken escapades and more. Yet he's still racing. There is nothing sensible, predictable or considered about Jason, but this is how he became a racing legend.

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