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How to Speak Machine

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga How to Speak Machine Dani Martineck
Libristo kod: 39627836
Nakladnici Portfolio Penguin, studeni 2019
Brought to you by Penguin.John Maeda is one of the world's preeminent thinkers on technology and des... Cijeli opis
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Brought to you by Penguin.John Maeda is one of the world's preeminent thinkers on technology and design, and in How to Speak Machine, he offers a set of simple laws that govern not only the computers of today, but the unimaginable machines of the future. Machines are already more powerful than we can comprehend, and getting more powerful at an exponential pace. Once set in motion, algorithms never tire. And when a program's size, speed and endlessness combine with its ability to learn and transform itself, the outcome can be unpredictable and dangerous. Take the seemingly instant transformation of Microsoft's chatbot into a hate-spewing racist, or how crime-predicting algorithms reinforce racial bias. How To Speak Machine provides a coherent framework for today's product designers, business leaders and policymakers to grasp this brave new world. Drawing on his wide-ranging experience from engineering to computer science to design, Maeda shows how businesses and individuals can identify opportunities afforded by technology to make world-changing and inclusive products while avoiding the pitfalls inherent to the medium.


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