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Kleptopia: How Dirty Money is Conquering the World

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Kleptopia: How Dirty Money is Conquering the World Tom Burgis
Libristo kod: 39538250
Nakladnici William Collins, rujan 2020
SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked ha... Cijeli opis
? points 35 b
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SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked hard enough ... This terrifying book follows a global current of dirty money, and the murders and kidnappings required to sustain it' GEORGE MONBIOT, GUARDIAN AN ECONOMIST AND WASHINGTON POST BOOK OF THE YEAR 2020 'When you pick this book up, you won't be able to put it down' MISHA GLENNY, author of MCMAFIA 'Gripping, disturbing and deeply reported' BEN RHODES, bestselling author of THE WORLD AS IT IS In this real-life thriller packed with jaw-dropping revelations, award-winning investigative journalist Tom Burgis reveals a terrifying global web of kleptocracy and corruption. Kleptopia follows the dirty money that is flooding the global economy, emboldening dictators, enriching oligarchs and poisoning democracies. From the Kremlin to Beijing, Harare to Riyadh, London to the Trump White House, it shows how the thieves are uniting - and the terrible human cost. A body in a burned-out Audi. Workers riddled with bullets in the Kazakh desert. A rigged election in Zimbabwe. A British banker silenced and humiliated for trying to expose the truth about the City of London - the world's piggy bank for blood money. Riveting, horrifying and written like fiction, this book shows that while we are looking the other way, all that we hold most dear is being stolen.

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