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Little Book That Beats the Market

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Little Book That Beats the Market Joel Greenblatt
Libristo kod: 39758244
Nakladnici Simon & Schuster Audio, veljača 2006
Can you spare three hours to learn how to beat the market? As unlikely as it may seem, hedge fund ma... Cijeli opis
? points 36 b
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Can you spare three hours to learn how to beat the market? As unlikely as it may seem, hedge fund manager and professor Joel Greenblatt, whose investment firm has averaged 40% annual returns for over twenty years, can teach you how. You can achieve investment returns that beat the pants off even the best investment professionals and the top academics. In fact, you can learn how it's possible to more than double the annual returns of the stock market averages. But there's more. You can do it all by yourself. You can do it with low risk. You can do it without making any predictions, and you can do it by following, step by step, a time-tested, proven "e;magic formula"e; that uses only common sense and two simple concepts. Best of all, once you are convinced that it really works you can choose to do it for the rest of your life. A runaway bestseller even before it was published, The Little Book That Beats the Market shows how successful investing can be made easy for investors of any age. It's never too early or too late to start investing, and with Greenblatt as your guide you'll know exactly where to go and what to do. By following the clearly outlined simple steps and magic formula, you can achieve extraordinary long-term investment results with a very low level of risk.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Little Book That Beats the Market
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Audio knjiga - MP3
Datum izdanja 2006
EAN 9780743564854
Libristo kod 39758244
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1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca


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