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Love in Another Town

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Love in Another Town Barbara Taylor Bradford
Libristo kod: 39530740
Nakladnici HarperCollins, listopad 2012
A delightful novella from the internationally bestselling author of A Woman of Substance... Cijeli opis
? points 25 b
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A delightful novella from the internationally bestselling author of A Woman of Substance Jake and Maggie, each fleeing a failed marriage, meet and fall in love, but their pasts throw up obstacles. Jake Cantrell is suave, charming and a brilliant electrical engineer saddened by the failure of his marriage to Amy. Maggie Sorrell is a bright and elegant interior designer. She, too, has suffered a broken marriage. Jake and Maggie meet - but despite a blossoming relationship, some of the obstacles seem insurmountable: the fifteen-year difference in their ages, Amy's sudden illness, her reluctance to divorce Jake, and Maggie's own inner turmoil. But together they overcome the odds and find the ultimate: love in another town.

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