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Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Nakladnici Vintage Digital, lipanj 2019
Random House presents the audiobook edition of Mother Ship, written and read by Francesca Segal. 'He... Cijeli opis
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Random House presents the audiobook edition of Mother Ship, written and read by Francesca Segal. 'Heart-wrenching, heart-warming and heartfelt - Mother Ship is a beautifully crafted, warts-and-all love letter to our wonderful NHS' Adam Kay, author of This is Going to Hurt'Our greatest gift to one another is this: each woman here has been swept out by a riptide, pulled far from the current of normal motherhood. Apart and all together in this space, our odd craft, we are drawn back into the folds of the unremarkable.'After her identical twin girls were born ten weeks prematurely, Francesca Segal finds herself sitting vigil in the 'mother ship' of neonatal intensive care, all romantic expectations of new parenthood obliterated. Her gripping diary of those months combines the tenderness of a love poem with the compulsive pace of a thriller. As each day brings a fresh challenge for her and her babies, Francesca makes a temporary life among a band of mothers who are vivid, fearless, and inspiring, taking care not only of their children but of one another. MOTHER SHIP is an intimate, raucous, sublime and electrifying memoir. It is a hymn to the sustaining power of women's friendship, and a loving celebration of the two small girls - and their mother - who defy the odds.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Mother Ship
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Audio knjiga - MP3
Datum izdanja 2019
EAN 9781473571914
Libristo kod 41775794
Nakladnici Vintage Digital
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