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Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Practice Seth Godin
Libristo kod: 39628628
Nakladnici Penguin Business, studeni 2020
Brought to you by Penguin. From the bestselling author of Purple Cow and This is Marketing comes an... Cijeli opis
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Brought to you by Penguin. From the bestselling author of Purple Cow and This is Marketing comes an elegant little book that will inspire artists, writers, and entrepreneurs to stretch and commit to putting their best work out into the world.Creative work doesn't come with a guarantee. But there is a pattern to who succeeds and who doesn't. And engaging in the consistent practice of its pursuit is the best way forward.Based on the breakthrough Akimbo workshop pioneered by legendary author Seth Godin, The Practice will help you get unstuck and find the courage to make and share creative work. Godin insists that writer's block is a myth, that consistency is far more important than authenticity, and that experiencing the imposter syndrome is a sign that you're a well-adjusted human. Most of all, he shows you what it takes to turn your passion from a private distraction to a productive contribution, the one you've been seeking to share all along.With this book as your guide, you'll learn to dance with your fear. To take the risks worth taking. And to embrace the empathy required to make work that contributes with authenticity and joy. Seth Godin 2020 (P) Penguin Audio 2020

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