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Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Sleep Nick Littlehales
Libristo kod: 39630560
Nakladnici Penguin Life, listopad 2016
Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable, audiobook edition of Sleep, written and read by Nick... Cijeli opis
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Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable, audiobook edition of Sleep, written and read by Nick Littlehales. 'Nick Littlehales wants to redefine the very meaning of the word sleep' - Daily Telegraph'Nick Littlehales has reconfigured the bedrooms of a legion of international sporting stars . . . He has a unique and encyclopaedic knowledge' - Guardian'Sleep guru Nick Littlehales trains elite athletes to get the best possible rest' - Daily MailProven solutions for better nights, from the 'sleep guru' to sports stars including Cristiano RonaldoOne third of our lives are spent trying to sleep. Most us have disturbed, restless nights and rely on a cocktail of caffeine and sugar to drag us through the day. Yet the hours we spend in bed shape our mood, motivation and decision-making skills - defining our performance in work, at home and while keeping fit.We need a new approach to sleep. In this ground-breaking book, Nick Littlehales, elite sleep coach to some of the world's leading sports stars and teams, lays bare his strategies for us all to use. Discover how to map your own sleep cycle, what the optimum room temperature is, which bedding is best and why napping is actually good for you.Read Sleep, learn from the best in sport, and kickstart a more confident, successful and happier you.

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