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Tapestries of Life: Uncovering the Lifesaving Secrets of the Natural World

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Tapestries of Life: Uncovering the Lifesaving Secrets of the Natural World Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
Libristo kod: 39540310
Nakladnici HarperCollins, lipanj 2021
The second book by the bestselling author of Extraordinary Insects Trees clean air and wate... Cijeli opis
? points 40 b
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The second book by the bestselling author of Extraordinary Insects Trees clean air and water; hoverflies and bees pollinate our crops; the kingfisher inspired the construction of high-speed trains. In Tapestries of Life, bestselling author Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson explains how closely we are all connected with the natural world, highlighting our indelible link with nature's finely knit system and our everyday lives. In the heart of natural world is a life-support system like no other, a collective term that describes all the goods and services we receive - food, fresh water, medicine, pollination, pollution control, carbon sequestration, erosion prevention, recreation, spiritual health and so much more. In this utterly captivating book, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson sets out to explore these wonderful, supportive elements - taking the reader on a journey through the surprising characteristics of the natural world.

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