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Walk Through Walls

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Walk Through Walls Marina Abramovic
Libristo kod: 39630683
Nakladnici Penguin Books, listopad 2016
Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable, audiobook edition of Walk Through Walls written and r... Cijeli opis
? points 32 b
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Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable, audiobook edition of Walk Through Walls written and read by Marina Abramovic.This memoir spans Marina Abramovic's five decade career, and tells a life story that is almost as exhilarating and extraordinary as her groundbreaking performance art. Taking us from her early life in communist ex-Yugoslavia, to her time as an a young art student in Belgrade in the 1970s, where she first made her mark with a series of pieces that used the body as a canvas, the book also describes her relationship with the West German performance artist named Ulay who was her lover and sole collaborator for 12 years. Abramovic has collaborated with stars from Lady Gaga to Jay-Z, James Franco and Willem Dafoe. Best known for her recent pieces 'The Artist is Present' and '512 Hours', this book is a fascinating insight into the life of one of the most important artists working today, and the woman who has been described as 'the grandmother of performance art'.

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