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Who Rules the World?

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Who Rules the World? Noam Chomsky
Libristo kod: 39630637
Nakladnici Penguin Books, svibanj 2016
The essential account of geopolitics right now, from one of our greatest living intellectuals - incl... Cijeli opis
? points 29 b
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The essential account of geopolitics right now, from one of our greatest living intellectuals - including a new afterword on President Donald Trump Noam Chomsky: philosopher, political writer, fearless activist. No one has done more to question the hidden actors who govern our lives, calling the powers that be to account. Here he presents Who Rules the World?, his definitive account of those powers, how they work, and why we should be questioning them.From the dark history of the US and Cuba to China's global rise, from torture memos to sanctions on Iran, this book investigates the defining issues of our times and exposes the hypocrisy at the heart of America's policies and actions. The world's political and financial elite are now operating almost totally unconstrained by the so-called democratic structure. With climate change and nuclear proliferation threatening our very survival, dissenting voices have never been more necessary.Fiercely outspoken and rigorously argued, Who Rules the World? is an indispensable guide to how things really are.

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