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Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister: The Complete Audio Collection

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Audio knjiga MP3
Audio knjiga Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister: The Complete Audio Collection Antony (Author) Jay
Libristo kod: 40897548
Nakladnici BBC Digital Audio, srpanj 2014
For the first time in one audio collection, all sixteen Yes Minister radio episodes plus six further... Cijeli opis
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Military Strategy John M. Collins / Meki uvez 31.02

For the first time in one audio collection, all sixteen Yes Minister radio episodes plus six further TV episodes, fourteen Yes Prime Minister episodes and two bonus sketches. Between 1980 and 1988 on BBC television and radio, the exploits of the Rt Hon Jim Hacker MP (Paul Eddington) - later Prime Minister - kept the British nation enthralled. Helped - and hampered - by his diligent Permanent Secretary Sir Humphrey Appleby (Nigel Hawthorne) and his Principle Private Secretary Bernard Woolley (Derek Fowlds), Hacker and his department became synonymous with government bureaucracy and administrative double dealing. Presented here, for the first time in one collection, are the complete radio series of Yes Minister and the complete BBC television soundtracks of Yes Prime Minister. Also included are six TV soundtracks of Yes Minister and two special bonus mini-episodes: The PM's Plan, recorded in 1984 with Margaret Thatcher as herself, and a special segment created for The Funny Side of Christmas in 1982. Also featuring; Moira Stewart, Diana Hoddinot, Bill Nighy, Peter Cellier, Tenniel Evans, Richard Vernon, Richard Davies, Arthur Cox, Gerry Cowper, John Nettleton, Graham Crowden, William Fox, Peter Jeffrey, Norman Bird, Ellen McIntosh, Brenda Blethyn, Freddie Earle, Jerome Williams, Ian Lavender, Judy Parfitt, Selina Scott, Anton Rodgers and Graeme Garden.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister: The Complete Audio Collection
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Audio knjiga - MP3
Datum izdanja 2014
EAN 9781910281222
Libristo kod 40897548
Nakladnici BBC Digital Audio
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