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InterdisziplinAre Studien zu Lateinamerika / Interdisciplinary Studies on Latin America / Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre AmA (c)rica Latina.

Jezik NjemačkiNjemački
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga InterdisziplinAre Studien zu Lateinamerika / Interdisciplinary Studies on Latin America / Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre AmA (c)rica Latina. Antje Gunsenheimer
Libristo kod: 15754005
Nakladnici V&R Unipress, rujan 2017
In 2012, the world experienced a spectacular media based hype about the reputed end of the world acc... Cijeli opis
? points 164 b
Vanjske zalihe u manjem broju Šaljemo za 10-14 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

Moglo bi vas zanimati i

Luštěninová kuchařka se spoustou zeleniny Petr Klíma / Tvrdi uvez 13.71
Bioinformation Dr. Beth Greenhough / Tvrdi uvez 72.79
agyptische Todtenbuch der XVIII. bis XX. Dynastie Edouard Naville / Meki uvez 31.01
Creative Notes (Notizbuch) Luisa Rose / Meki uvez 11.15
Praca i dom Primoz Cucnik / Tvrdi uvez 5.11
Fate e fantasmi... all'opera Cristina Bersanelli / Tvrdi uvez 18.52
Absorption and Adsorption Cooling Systems Haroun A. K. Shahad / Meki uvez 68.79
Lake House Kate Morton / Meki uvez 17.40
Haunted Gotham Joyce L. Markovics / Tvrdi uvez 37.87
The Cry of the Wolf Melvin Burgess / Digital 13.30

In 2012, the world experienced a spectacular media based hype about the reputed end of the world according to the end of the Maya calendar. The volume at hand combines studies of different disciplines which explore the question, what Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions really tell us about the "end of the world" and what of our apocalyptic visions are based on our own historic Jewish-Christian background. Further contributors in this volume discuss apocalyptic ideas of selected Amerindian societies from the colonial past up to the present. They also reflect how those apocalyptic visions are taken up again as metaphors in modern Mexican literature. The volume is closed by an interview on the effects of "2012" on Maya research with expert Nikolai Grube.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv InterdisziplinAre Studien zu Lateinamerika / Interdisciplinary Studies on Latin America / Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre AmA (c)rica Latina.
Jezik Njemački
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2017
Broj stranica 204
EAN 9783847106852
ISBN 3847106856
Libristo kod 15754005
Nakladnici V&R Unipress
Težina 422
Dimenzije 155 x 232 x 15
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca


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