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Advanced Grammar in Use Book with Answers and Interactive eBook

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Advanced Grammar in Use Book with Answers and Interactive eBook Martin Hewings
Libristo kod: 09237472
Nakladnici Cambridge University Press, lipanj 2015
An updated version of the highly successful Advanced Grammar in Use. This third edition, with answer... Cijeli opis
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An updated version of the highly successful Advanced Grammar in Use. This third edition, with answers and interactive eBook, contains 100 units of grammar reference and practice materials, with illustrations in full colour and a user-friendly layout.

It is ideal for learners preparing for the Cambridge Advanced, Proficiency or IELTS examinations, and is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus, which ensures the language is authentic and up-to-date. The eBook has the same grammar explanations and exercises found in the printed book, plus other great features. You can listen to all of the example sentences from the book, record your answers to exercises, highlight text, bookmark pages and add your own notes.

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