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Adventures in Time: The Second World War

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Knjiga Adventures in Time: The Second World War
Libristo kod: 39244212
Nakladnici Penguin Books, rujan 2023
Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won'... Cijeli opis
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Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won't believe they're all truePrepare to enter the most dramatic conflict the world has ever seen, as historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us on a spine-tingling, heart-stopping adventure. We witness the Second World War first-hand through the eyes of ordinary people living in extraordinary times, from the women who worked all night in factories to the chess players who cracked unbreakable codes. Because in total war, no life is left untouched...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...

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