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All New Official Minecraft Redstone Handbook

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga All New Official Minecraft Redstone Handbook Mojang AB
Libristo kod: 41391262
Nakladnici HarperCollins Publishers, studeni 2022
Minecraft is a multi-platform block-based gaming sensation available on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and mo... Cijeli opis
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Minecraft is a multi-platform block-based gaming sensation available on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and mobile devices. Whether you're in Creative, Survival or Hardcore Mode, the Minecraft books contain all the advice you need to survive and thrive!

This handbook will teach you everything you need to know about the electrifying possibilities of redstone. Whether you're playing in Survival or Creative mode, redstone is an amazing substance that will transform your gameplay.

Since its arrival a huge redstone community has developed, building and sharing creations as diverse as arcade-style games, intricate traps, calculators, and even computers. The first section of this handbook gets you up to speed on the basics of redstone.

The second section pushes you to use your new redstone knowledge to complete challenges, and the final section showcases some of the awesome community creations that are out there.

You'll discover where to find redstone ore and how to mine it and all the possibilities of redstone dust. Redstone dust is really powerful stuff and is essential to almost all redstone lighting systems and circuits. Also, with step-by-step instructions to building redstone traps and arrow launchers you need never fear creepers again.

Among the redstone engineering feats that feature in this handbook are the super stopwatch which can record time to a tenth of a second, faster than the blink of an eye! Or Zombie-siege, a fun combat mini-game built with redstone circuitry. These community creations will inspire you to get building with redstone. Perfect for Minecrafters aged nine upwards.

Get wired up and go create!

Be sure to look out for the rest of the Minecraft series: Minecraft Beginner's Handbook, Minecraft Construction Handbook, Minecraft Combat Handbook and Minecraft Blockopedia.

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