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Wrath of Seth

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Wrath of Seth Roger Zack
Libristo kod: 02871413
Nakladnici Bruno Gmuender GmbH, studeni 2016
The Roman Empire, AD 108. When emperor Trajan sets sail for his province of Egypt, his mind is on si... Cijeli opis
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Kupci su kupili i

The Roman Empire, AD 108. When emperor Trajan sets sail for his province of Egypt, his mind is on sightseeing and the acquisition of art and antiques to adorn the city of Rome. Little does he imagine that he is heading toward his own potential doom... Deep in the western desert, a sinister cult plans to return Egypt to its past glory, and Rome and its empire stand in the way... Traveling with Trajan are lovers Quintus and Rufio, along with his mother Junilla and younger brother Cato. Together, they encounter fabled wonders of the past, the quirks and threats of the natives both human and animal--and repeated attempts to assassinate the emperor...§Amid the dangers, exotic erotic encounters keep Rufio and Quintus busy even as they strive to avert the disastrous wrath of the god Seth.

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