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Breakthrough to CLIL for Physics Age 14+ Workbook

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Breakthrough to CLIL for Physics Age 14+ Workbook David Sang
Libristo kod: 02084614
Nakladnici Cambridge University Press, prosinac 2013
A series of workbooks offering integrated content and language support for specific subjects. Break... Cijeli opis
? points 60 b
Vanjske zalihe u manjem broju Šaljemo za 9-13 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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A series of workbooks offering integrated content and language support for specific subjects. Breakthrough to CLIL for Physics, Age 14+ helps ESL/EAL students get the most out of their studies when learning subjects through the medium of English. The workbook contains exercises set within the context of core topics to consolidate understanding, embedding practice in aspects of language central to the subject in question. It is designed to support any Physics curriculum for students aged 14–16, including UK GCSE, Cambridge IGCSE and IB MYP. The book should be used alongside a core textbook as well as classroom instruction, and may be used within the classroom or as a self-study or homework resource.

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Civil War ACKROYD PETER / Meki uvez 20.01
Biology for the IB Diploma Workbook with CD-ROM Matthew Broderick / Meki uvez 42.19
Cambridge IGCSE (R) Chemistry Workbook Richard Harwood / Meki uvez 17.96
Diving-Bell and the Butterfly Jean-Dominique Bauby / Meki uvez 10.26
Nerve Jeanne Ryan / Meki uvez 11.59
MYP Chemistry Years 4&5 Gary Horner / Meki uvez 71.97
Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett / Meki uvez 19.19
Chemistry for the IB MYP 4 & 5 Annie Termaat / Meki uvez 48.25
Quidditch Through the Ages J K Rowling / Tvrdi uvez 15.39


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