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C# 10 and .NET 6 - Modern Cross-Platform Development

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga C# 10 and .NET 6 - Modern Cross-Platform Development Mark J. Price
Libristo kod: 38321287
Nakladnici Packt Publishing Limited, studeni 2021
A comprehensive guide for beginners to learn the key concepts, real-world applications, and latest f... Cijeli opis
? points 216 b
Vanjske zalihe Šaljemo za 14-18 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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A comprehensive guide for beginners to learn the key concepts, real-world applications, and latest features of C# 10 and .NET 6 with hands-on exercises using Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio Code

Key Features
Explore the newest additions to C# 10, the .NET 6 class library, and Entity Framework Core 6
Create professional websites and services with ASP.NET Core 6 and Blazor
Build cross-platform apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android

Book Description
Extensively revised to accommodate all the latest features that come with C# 10 and .NET 6, this latest edition of our comprehensive guide will get you coding in C# with confidence.

You'll learn object-oriented programming, writing, testing, and debugging functions, implementing interfaces, and inheriting classes. The book covers the .NET APIs for performing tasks like managing and querying data, monitoring and improving performance, and working with the filesystem, async streams, and serialization. You'll build and deploy cross-platform apps, such as websites and services using ASP.NET Core.

Instead of distracting you with unnecessary application code, the first twelve chapters will teach you about C# language constructs and many of the .NET libraries through simple console applications. In later chapters, having mastered the basics, you'll then build practical applications and services using ASP.NET Core, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and Blazor.

What you will learn
Build rich web experiences using Blazor, Razor Pages, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and other features of ASP.NET Core
Build your own types with object-oriented programming
Write, test, and debug functions
Query and manipulate data using LINQ
Integrate and update databases in your apps using Entity Framework Core, Microsoft SQL Server, and SQLite
Build and consume powerful services using the latest technologies, including gRPC and GraphQL
Build cross-platform apps using XAML
Who this book is for
Designed for both beginners and C# and .NET programmers who have worked with C# in the past and want to catch up with the changes made in the past few years, this book doesn't need you to have any C# or .NET experience. However, you should have a general understanding of programming before you jump in.

Table of Contents
Hello C#, Welcome .NET!
Speaking C#
Controlling Flow, Converting Types, and Handling Exceptions
Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions
Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming
Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes
Packaging and Distributing .NET Types
Working with Common .NET Types
Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization
Working with Data Using Entity Framework Core
Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ
Improving Performance and Scalability Using Multitasking
Introducing Practical Applications of C# and .NET
Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Building Websites Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern
Building and Consuming Web Services
Building User Interfaces Using Blazor
Bonus Content: Building and Consuming Specialized Services
Bonus Content: Building Mobile and Desktop Apps Using .NET MAUI
Bonus Content: Protecting Your Data and Applications
Bonus Content: Appendix – Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv C# 10 and .NET 6 - Modern Cross-Platform Development
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2021
Broj stranica 824
EAN 9781801077361
ISBN 1801077363
Libristo kod 38321287
Težina 1484
Dimenzije 235 x 193 x 48
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

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