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Chief Sustainability Officers At Work

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Chief Sustainability Officers At Work Chrissa Pagitsas
Libristo kod: 37301130
Nakladnici APress, ožujak 2022
Read over 20 exclusive, in-depth interviews with chief sustainability officers (CSOs) of Fortune 500... Cijeli opis
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Read over 20 exclusive, in-depth interviews with chief sustainability officers (CSOs) of Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Coca-Cola, and Procter & Gamble and globally recognized brands such as IKEA and Netflix. These CSOs reveal how they deliver positive environmental and social impact through their companies' core products and services and generate revenue growth while tackling unique leadership, change management, regulatory and stakeholder challenges. Sustainability and environmental, social, governance (ESG) strategies are increasingly central to businesses' growth strategy and risk management. As a result, the CSO has become more important as a driver of both revenue and strategy. Yet, no two CSOs are alike in their backgrounds, titles or even the scope of their roles. From former Peace Corps volunteers to supply chain experts, these C-suite leaders launch ambitious carbon emissions and net-zero goals, develop new products for a circular economy, target increasing the diversity of their company's staff, align strategic projects to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and standardize reporting for the SEC, investors and more. What You Will LearnHow global multibillion dollar businesses in the United States, Europe and Asia structure their sustainability strategyHow top sustainability executives drive both business value and positive environmental and social impact How CSOs landed in their roles without climbing a traditional career ladder Who This Book Is ForExecutives and board members generally or those establishing a sustainability or ESG strategy; current and aspiring CSOs and ESG leaders; business leaders partnering with sustainability leaders and teams; and students studying the integration of sustainability and business.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Chief Sustainability Officers At Work
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2022
Broj stranica 336
EAN 9781484278659
ISBN 1484278658
Libristo kod 37301130
Nakladnici APress
Težina 546
Dimenzije 156 x 234 x 22
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

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