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Christina Rossetti's Gothic

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Christina Rossetti's Gothic Serena Trowbridge
Libristo kod: 05134964
Nakladnici Bloomsbury Publishing, veljača 2015
The poetry of Christina Rossetti is often described as 'gothic' and yet this term has rarely been ex... Cijeli opis
? points 167 b
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The poetry of Christina Rossetti is often described as 'gothic' and yet this term has rarely been examined in the specific case of Rossetti's work. Based on new readings of the full range of her writings, from 'Goblin Market' to the devotional poems and prose works, this book explores Rossetti's use of Gothic forms and images to consider her as a Gothic writer. Christina Rossetti's Gothic analyses the poet's use of the grotesque and the spectral and the Christian roots and Pre-Raphaelite influences of Rossetti's deployment of Gothic tropes.

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