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Data Warehouse Toolkit, Third Edition - The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Data Warehouse Toolkit, Third Edition - The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling Ralph Kimball
Libristo kod: 01338924
Nakladnici John Wiley & Sons Inc, srpanj 2013
Updated new edition of Ralph Kimball's groundbreaking book on dimensional modeling for data warehous... Cijeli opis
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Updated new edition of Ralph Kimball's groundbreaking book on dimensional modeling for data warehousing and business intelligence! The first edition of Ralph Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit introduced the industry to dimensional modeling, and now his books are considered the most authoritative guides in this space. This new third edition is a complete library of updated dimensional modeling techniques, the most comprehensive collection ever. It covers new and enhanced star schema dimensional modeling patterns, adds two new chapters on ETL techniques, includes new and expanded business matrices for 12 case studies, and more. Authored by Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross, known worldwide as educators, consultants, and influential thought leaders in data warehousing and business intelligence Begins with fundamental design recommendations and progresses through increasingly complex scenarios Presents unique modeling techniques for business applications such as inventory management, procurement, invoicing, accounting, customer relationship management, big data analytics, and more Draws real-world case studies from a variety of industries, including retail sales, financial services, telecommunications, education, health care, insurance, e-commerce, and more Design dimensional databases that are easy to understand and provide fast query response with The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 3rd Edition .

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Data Warehouse Toolkit, Third Edition - The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2013
Broj stranica 608
EAN 9781118530801
ISBN 1118530802
Libristo kod 01338924
Težina 1126
Dimenzije 190 x 234 x 28
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
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