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Libro del alumno + 2 CDS

Jezik ŠpanjolskiŠpanjolski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Libro del alumno + 2 CDS
Libristo kod: 01169026
Nakladnici CIDEB s.r.l., kolovoz 2005
Descrubrir Espana y Latinoamérica is a cultural studies book aimed at middle school students. By us... Cijeli opis
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Descrubrir Espana y Latinoamérica is a cultural studies book aimed at middle school students. By using authentic documents (photos, maps, pictures etc.), this book offers a clear and complete vision of the Spanish and Hispanic cultures, through various perspectives. The volume is divided into four topic-based sections: • Descubrir • Historia y política • Cultura • Sociedad The variety of topics dealt with in the book allow for links and comparisons to be made between the past and the present, traditional and contemporary society, traditional values and changes in behaviour. The text is complemented by a series of activities which not only stimulate dialogue but also intercultural comparisons. In particular, it focuses on listening exercises which aim to build on the topic dealt with in that unit. In terms of content, a great variety of topics are dealt with: from the role of women in today’s society, to the language Spanglish, to the cinema, to food, to the delicate topic of dictatorship… The volume has the following new features: • Two pages of introduction in each topic-based section with activities which test students’ understanding of the themes dealt with, and stimulate students’ curiosity; • The activities have been revised and added to, and DELE-style activities at levels Inicial (BI) and Intermedio (B2) have been introduced; • The activities labelled @ send the students to do some research on the Internet and find out more about the topics introduced by the author; • Authentic material has been added to the audio recordings so as to provide additional insights into the current affairs of the Spanish world. Level B1-B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference. Features: • 4 topic-based sections; • Focus on current affairs topics which stimulate reflection, debate and further research; • Activities testing the four skills: lectora, escrita, auditiva e oral; • Focus on the development of oral production and comprehension, through listening exercises e those which stimulate conversation; • Fun text boxes which provide interesting facts to complement the texts; • 2 audio CDs with the recording of the listening exercises; • Focus on the different Spanish accents; • Teacher’s Guide with notes on methodology, answer keys and recording scripts.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Libro del alumno + 2 CDS
Jezik Španjolski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2005
Broj stranica 160
EAN 9788853008558
Libristo kod 01169026
Nakladnici CIDEB s.r.l.
Težina 450
Dimenzije 195 x 260 x 8
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

Moglo bi vas zanimati i

Uso Interactivo del vocabulario Ángeles Encinar / Meki uvez 19.17
Uso interactivo del vocabulario B2-C2 Clara María Molero / Meki uvez 21.00
Pequena historia de Espana Manuel Fernandez Alvarez / Tvrdi uvez 10.95
Cuentos y leyendas de América Latina Gloria Cecilia Diaz / Tvrdi uvez 20.90
Hablar por los codos. Buch Gordana Vranic / Meki uvez 21.30
Vocabulario nivel medio B1 Marta Baralo / Meki uvez 15.72
Tema a tema - Curso de conversacion Vanessa Coto Bautista / Meki uvez 13.89
Zajko a jeho xylofón / Leporelo 9.02
Mafalda, las tiras Quino / Meki uvez 23.94
200 TAPAS DE ESPA?A NUEVA ED Alberto Acosta / Meki uvez 19.88
Epocas de Espana - Curso de civilizacion Sebastián Quesada Marco / Meki uvez 26.98
Breve Historia de América Latina Alberto Luis Silva Aristeguieta / Meki uvez 16.63
Espaňa siglo XXI /ed. 2016/ Sebastián Quesada Marco / Meki uvez 21.61


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