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Dessins Bolonais

Jezik FrancuskiFrancuski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Dessins Bolonais Catherine Loisel
Libristo kod: 01283779
Nakladnici Officina Libraria, kolovoz 2013
Since 1972, the Drawings and Prints Department of the Louvre has published the reportoire of the Ita... Cijeli opis
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Since 1972, the Drawings and Prints Department of the Louvre has published the reportoire of the Italian drawings held in its collections. This volume, the tenth in the series, is dedicated to the Bolognese and Emilian artists of the 17th century. Seicento is considered by all as the golden age of Bolognese painting, which not only enriched the city with many masterpieces but saw many of its main artists going to Rome, the capital of Baroque, to decorate its churches and palaces (from the Galleria Farnese by Annibale Carracci to the many domes frescoed by Lanfranco). The volume includes close to 1000 drawings by artists such as Ludovico and Annibale Carracci, Bartolomeo Cesi, Bartolomeo Schedoni, Guido Reni, Giovanni Lanfranco, Elisabetta Sirani, Giuseppe Maria Crespi e Donato Creti and it traces the evolution of draughtmanship in Bologna and Emilia, from the Accademia degli Incamminati to the spreading of classicism and baroque. Text in French.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Dessins Bolonais
Jezik Francuski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2013
Broj stranica 480
EAN 9788889854884
ISBN 888985488X
Libristo kod 01283779
Nakladnici Officina Libraria
Težina 2768
Dimenzije 212 x 279 x 49
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