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Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Dolomites James Rushforth
Libristo kod: 02709500
Nakladnici Rockfax Ltd, kolovoz 2014
The elegant and dramatic peaks of the Dolomites, one of the most recently designated UNESCO World He... Cijeli opis
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30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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France: Cote d'Azur Chris Craggs / Meki uvez 38.39

The elegant and dramatic peaks of the Dolomites, one of the most recently designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites, have long epitomised the ideals of climbers the world over. These spectacular limestone and dolomite monoliths rise abruptly from beautiful meadows, their pale faces contrasting starkly with the vibrant colour of the surrounding alpine pastures, to create one of the most instantly recognisable landscapes in the World. Located in northern Italy, and representing a true mix of Italian and Austrian culture, these so-called 'Pale Alps' contain climbing of every shape and size. Single pitch sport crags lie beside kilometre-long traditional routes, with climbs which are steeped in history running parallel to modern bolted lines. The area is particularly renowned for its via ferrata, cabled routes predating the Great War which give superb access to some of the World's most striking summits. The metal wires, interspersed with breathtaking ladders and unlikely suspension bridges, provide aerial assault courses which combine the thrill of an ascent on rock with the security of a protected mountain scramble. This Rockfax guide covers everything you need for a climbing trip regardless of ability, whether it be sport, trad, via ferrata or a combination of all three. It features all the major areas and is the only guidebook available to have such comprehensive coverage. Catinaccio, Val di Fassa, Marmolada, Sella Group, Val Gardena, Fanis Group, Lagazuoi Group, Tofana Group, Cinque Torri, Cortina Basin, Cadini di Misurina, Tre Cime.

Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

Moglo bi vas zanimati i

Training for the New Alpinism Steve House / Meki uvez 31.12
Bushcraft 101 Dave Canterbury / Meki uvez 15.15
Alta Via 1 - Trekking in the Dolomites Gillian Price / Meki uvez 22.21
Sicily Damon Beail / Meki uvez 47.30
Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites Volume 1 James Rushforth / Meki uvez 23.34
Chamonix Charlie Boscoe / Meki uvez 47.30
Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites: Vol 2 Graham Fletcher / Meki uvez 23.24
Walking in the Dolomites Gillian Price / Meki uvez 21.09
Psychovertical Andy Kirkpatrick / Meki uvez 13.10
1940, Le Soldat Francais Olivier Bellec / Tvrdi uvez 39.83
Make or Break Dave MacLeod / Meki uvez 54.06
Mont Blanc Philippe Batoux / Tvrdi uvez 35.32
Dolomites, West and East Ron James / Tvrdi uvez 22.01


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