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Encyclopedie Des Chars De Combat Moderne

Jezik FrancuskiFrancuski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Encyclopedie Des Chars De Combat Moderne Marc Chassillan
Libristo kod: 05035613
Nakladnici HISTOIRE & COLLECTIONS, ožujak 2012
The second volume of the only encyclopaedia to bring together the technical, historic, and operation... Cijeli opis
? points 145 b
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30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

The second volume of the only encyclopaedia to bring together the technical, historic, and operational aspects of the tank in the 21st century Now at the very start of the 21st Century, the latest combat tanks are being designed and manufactured in the emerging countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In this second volume of an important series on modern tanks, the history of these new participants is recounted within the context of the long lineage of the Russian tanks. Numerous technical details are provided here for the first time in print, giving the reader a complete understanding of the technologies utilised in tank development. Both volumes on the modern combat tank represent the only encyclopaedia to bring together the technical, historic, and operational aspects of the tank in the 21st century.

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