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Football English

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Football English Tom Challenger
Libristo kod: 08938485
Nakladnici Eniko Books, travanj 2012
Who is this book for? For learners of English who want to talk about foot... Cijeli opis
? points 46 b
Vanjske zalihe Šaljemo za 14-18 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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Who is this book for? For learners of English who want to talk about football (soccer) in English. Written for football (soccer) players, football fans and football officials (referees, managers, coaches, administrators etc.) It is suitable for anyone who has at least an intermediate level of English (i.e. above B1 in reading) What topics does it cover? Football English contains exercises to help you improve your vocabulary in these areas: Kicking & Moving the Ball ż Positions ż Describing a Game ż Attacking ż Defending ż Tactics ż The Rules & The Referee ż The Score & Results ż Scoring Goals ż Shooting ż Skills & Abilities ż Management & Signings ż Chances ż Form ż Statistics ż Team Selection ż The World Cup ż The League ż Football Grounds & The Pitch ż Mistakes ż Training ż Calls ż Injuries ż Fans ż The Goal ż Fixtures ż Goalkeeping ż Heading ż Timing Who is the Author? Tom Challenger is a teacher of English as a Foreign Language. He has 10 years of experience helping people with the vocabulary and skills they need to do their particular jobs. Tom holds professional qualifications in teaching English and is a certified teacher trainer. He is also a football fan!

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