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Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe
Libristo kod: 04024005
Nakladnici Penguin Books
Daniel Defoe's bawdy tale of a woman's struggle for independence and redemption, "Moll Flanders" is... Cijeli opis
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Daniel Defoe's bawdy tale of a woman's struggle for independence and redemption, "Moll Flanders" is edited with an introduction and notes by David Blewett in "Penguin Classics". Born in Newgate prison and abandoned six months later, Moll Flanders' drive to find and hold on to a secure place in society propels her through incest, adultery, bigamy, prostitution and a resourceful career as a thief ('the greatest Artist of my time') before her crimes catch up with her, and she is transported to the colony of Virginia in the New World. If Moll Flanders is on one level a Puritan's tale of sin and repentance, through self-made, self-reliant Moll, Daniel Defoe's rich subtext conveys all the paradoxes and amoralities of the struggle for property and power in the newly individualistic society of Eighteenth-century England. Based on the first edition of 1722, this volume includes a chronology, suggestions for further reading, notes on currency and maps of London and Virginia in the late seventeenth century. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) had a variety of careers including merchant, soldier, spy, and political pamphleteer. Over the course of his life Daniel Defoe wrote over two hundred and fifty books on economics, history, biography and crime, but is best remembered for the fiction he produced in late life, which includes "Robinson Crusoe" (1719), "Moll Flanders" (1722) and "Roxana" (1724). Defoe had a great influence on the development of the English novel and many consider him to be the first true novelist. If you enjoyed "Moll Flanders", you might like Samuel Richardson's "Pamela", also available in "Penguin Classics".

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
Autor Daniel Defoe
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Broj stranica 480
EAN 9780140433135
ISBN 0140433139
Libristo kod 04024005
Nakladnici Penguin Books
Težina 326
Dimenzije 185 x 193 x 22
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
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