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Front-End Back-End Development with HTML, CSS, Jav aScript, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Front-End Back-End Development with HTML, CSS, Jav aScript, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL Jon Duckett
Libristo kod: 38499842
Nakladnici John Wiley & Sons Inc, svibanj 2022
A three-book set for web designers, front-end developers, and full-stack developers This three-book... Cijeli opis
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A three-book set for web designers, front-end developers, and full-stack developers This three-book set combines the popular titles * HTML & CSS: Designing and Building Web Sites * JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Development * PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development Together these three books form an ideal platform for anyone who wants to master HTML and CSS, step up to the additional front-end interactivity possible with JavaScript and jQuery, and build back-ends with features like content management and membership using PHP and MySQL. In combination, these skills are commonly referred to as "full-stack development" HTML & CSS covers structure, text, links, images, tables, forms, useful options, adding style with CSS, fonts, colors, thinking in boxes, styling lists and tables, layouts, grids, and even SEO, Google analytics, ftp, and HTML5. JavaScript & jQuery offers an excellent combined introduction to these two technologies starting from how JavaScript changes an HTML page's code and progressing to creating interactivity including sliders, tabbed panels, accordions, and sorting images. PHP & MySQL finishes a self-taught programmer curriculum with data-driven web sites for content management or online shops that use registration, search, sending emails, and tailoring pages to individual users. * A handy three-book set that combines related skills * Highly visual format and accessible language makes these books highly effective learning tools * Perfect for beginning web designers, front-end developers, back-end developers, and full-stack developers * Written by the best-selling author on HTML and JavaScript for the last decade

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Front-End Back-End Development with HTML, CSS, Jav aScript, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL
Autor Jon Duckett
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2022
EAN 9781119813088
Libristo kod 38499842
Težina 4806
Dimenzije 252 x 203 x 113
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca


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