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Google Cloud Certified Professional Machine Learni ng Engineer Study Guide

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Google Cloud Certified Professional Machine Learni ng Engineer Study Guide Pratap Ramamurthy
Libristo kod: 39515610
Nakladnici John Wiley & Sons Inc, svibanj 2023
Expert, guidance for the Google Cloud Machine Learning certification examIn Google Cloud Certified P... Cijeli opis
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Expert, guidance for the Google Cloud Machine Learning certification examIn Google Cloud Certified Professional Machine Learning Study Guide, a team of accomplished artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) specialists delivers an expert roadmap to AI and ML on the Google Cloud Platform based on new exam curriculum. With Sybex, you'll prepare faster and smarter for the Google Cloud Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam and get ready to hit the ground running on your first day at your new job as an ML engineer.The book walks readers through the machine learning process from start to finish, starting with data, feature engineering, model training, and deployment on Google Cloud. It also discusses best practices on when to pick a custom model vs AutoML or pretrained models with Vertex AI platform. All technologies such as Tensorflow, Kubeflow, and Vertex AI are presented by way of real-world scenarios to help you apply the theory to practical examples and show you how IT professionals design, build, and operate secure ML cloud environments.The book also shows you how to:* Frame ML problems and architect ML solutions from scratch* Banish test anxiety by verifying and checking your progress with built-in self-assessments and other practical tools* Use the Sybex online practice environment, complete with practice questions and explanations, a glossary, objective maps, and flash cardsA can't-miss resource for everyone preparing for the Google Cloud Certified Professional Machine Learning certification exam, or for a new career in ML powered by the Google Cloud Platform, this Sybex Study Guide has everything you need to take the next step in your career.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Google Cloud Certified Professional Machine Learni ng Engineer Study Guide
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2023
Broj stranica 352
EAN 9781119944461
ISBN 1119944465
Libristo kod 39515610
Težina 666
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