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History of the Hobbit

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga History of the Hobbit John D. Rateliff
Libristo kod: 04407068
Nakladnici HarperCollins Publishers, listopad 2011
In one volume for the first time, this revised and updated examination of how J.R.R.Tolkien came to... Cijeli opis
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In one volume for the first time, this revised and updated examination of how J.R.R.Tolkien came to write his original masterpiece 'The Hobbit' includes his complete unpublished draft version of the story, together with notes and illustrations by Tolkien himself. For the first time in one volume, The History of the Hobbit presents the complete unpublished text of the original manuscript of J.R.R.Tolkien's The Hobbit, accompanied by John Rateliff's lively and informative account of how the book came to be written and published. As well as recording the numerous changes made to the story both before and after publication, it examines - chapter-by-chapter - why those changes were made and how they reflect Tolkien's ever-growing concept of Middle-earth. The Hobbit was first published on 21 September 1937. Like its successor, The Lord of the Rings, it is a story that "grew in the telling", and many characters and story threads in the published text are completely different from what Tolkien first wrote to read aloud to his young sons as part of their "fireside reads". As well as reproducing the original version of one of literature's most famous stories, both on its own merits and as the foundation for The Lord of the Rings, this new book includes many little-known illustrations and previously unpublished maps for The Hobbit by Tolkien himself. Also featured are extensive annotations and commentaries on the date of composition, how Tolkien's professional and early mythological writings influenced the story, the imaginary geography he created, and how Tolkien came to revise the book years after publication to accommodate events in The Lord of the Rings. Like Christopher Tolkien's The History of The Lord of the Rings before it, this is a thoughtful yet exhaustive examination of one of the most treasured stories in English literature. Long overdue for a classic book now celebrating 75 years in print, this companion edition offers fascinating new insights for those who have grown up with this enchanting tale, and will delight those who are about to enter Bilbo's round door for the first time.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv History of the Hobbit
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2011
Broj stranica 960
EAN 9780007440825
ISBN 0007440820
Libristo kod 04407068
Težina 1144
Dimenzije 230 x 145 x 63
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
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