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Hitler's Naval Bases

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Hitler's Naval Bases Jak P Mallmann Showell
Libristo kod: 01353224
Nakladnici Fonthill Media Ltd, veljača 2012
Hitler's U-boats and his dreaded pocket battleships such as Bismarck and Tirpitz - Churchill dubbe... Cijeli opis
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Hitler's U-boats and his dreaded pocket battleships such as Bismarck and Tirpitz - Churchill dubbed the latter as 'The Beast' - continue to fascinate an ever-growing interest in the Second World War. Despite a numerical disadvantage when compared the Royal Navy, Hitler's U-boats wrecked havoc in the Atlantic against vulnerable convoys and the doomed Bismarck took on the might of Britain's battleships in a mighty clash of the titans. Hitler's Naval Bases, a work of love that took the author over forty years to research and write, is the most comprehensive and dedicated book on the subject matter. A world's first, it covers bases in remarkable detail from the smallest and unmanned locations to the largest dedicated bases in Lorient, Kiel and Wilhemshaven. The book covers the different types of naval base from isolated and forgotten bases, escape and survival bases, to the extremities of the main naval bases. The functions and various departments - artillery, ship construction to dockyard medical service - are explained as are North Sea naval bases in Emden, The Weser Ports and Cuxhaven, Baltic ports, the major bases that never were ('The Lobster's Claw on Heligoland') to France, Asia and German colonies, including re-fuelling in Spain and bases located in Russia and in the 'Heart of England'. Also covered are naval artillery and naval infantry as well as the anatomy of coastal artillery batteries, the shipping yards and even rules for living in such conditions. A most lavish and phenomenal book, it is beautifully illustrated with over 200 unpublished photographs complemented with thousands of unique interviews with veterans during the war as well as survivors. A labour of love, Hitler's Naval Bases is written by a world's leading authoritarian figure and is an essential book for those interested in the armed forces of the Third Reich.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Hitler's Naval Bases
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2012
Broj stranica 256
EAN 9781781551981
ISBN 1781551987
Libristo kod 01353224
Nakladnici Fonthill Media Ltd
Težina 810
Dimenzije 255 x 180 x 21
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