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Islamic Law in Early Modern Iran

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Islamic Law in Early Modern Iran Zahir Bhalloo
Libristo kod: 43336025
Nakladnici De Gruyter, rujan 2023
Historical studies on the practice of Islamic law (sharia) tend to focus on practice in a Sunni sett... Cijeli opis
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Historical studies on the practice of Islamic law (sharia) tend to focus on practice in a Sunni setting during the Mamluk or Ottoman periods. This book decenters Sunni and Mamluk and Ottoman normativity by investigating the practice of sharia in a Twelver Shii Persian-speaking milieu, in early modern Iran between the sixteenth to twentieth centuries. Drawing on documentary evidence and narrative sources, it reconstructs who the practitioners of Islamic law were, how they authenticated, annulled, and archived legal documents, and how they intervened in the resolution of disputes over religious endowments (waqf). The study demonstrates that following Iran's conversion to Twelver Shiism under the Safavids, the dominance of Usuli Shii legal theory, which conferred judicial authority on scholars recognized as Shii jurists (mujathids), affected both the practitioners of Islamic law and the procedures of sharia court practice in Iran. Shii jurists in Iran, as a result, would come to exercise by the end of the nineteenth century a judicial monopoly over valid sharia court practice thus laying the foundation for Ayatollah Khomeini's extension, during the Iranian revolution, of the authority of the Shii jurist over political affairs.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Islamic Law in Early Modern Iran
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2023
Broj stranica 320
EAN 9783111236582
Libristo kod 43336025
Nakladnici De Gruyter
Dimenzije 155 x 230


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