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L'Italiano si impara in due

Jezik TalijanskiTalijanski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga L'Italiano si impara in due Marco Barsacchi
Libristo kod: 04710840
Nakladnici University Of Toronto Press, prosinac 1993
This workbook offers the teacher of Italian a varied collection of activities for the classroom. The... Cijeli opis
? points 152 b
Vanjske zalihe Šaljemo za 14-18 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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This workbook offers the teacher of Italian a varied collection of activities for the classroom. The thirty-one activities involve situations and guided exercises for creating dialogues, exchanging information, providing descriptions, and completing questionnaires and forms. In L?italiano si impara in due students work in pairs. The situations and contexts are typical of Italian society, combining topics of interest to contemporary Italian youth with traditional elements of Italian culture. The book is intended for beginner and intermediate students as a means of integrating and complementing a basic course of study. In each unit, grammatical structures are introduced and developed, as is vocabulary. Interaction between students is ensured by the complementary, two-part composition of the text. An exhaustive glossary that includes all idiomatic expressions and jargon used in the activities completes the book.

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