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Last Chance

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Last Chance Jean Paul Sartre
Libristo kod: 04280953
Nakladnici Bloomsbury Publishing, rujan 2009
This is the first English translation of Sartre's unfinished fourth volume of "Roads to Freedom", ex... Cijeli opis
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Nausea Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 11.87
Age of Reason Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 11.87
Reprieve Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 17.71
Iron in the Soul Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 17.71
Wall Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 17.09
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Imaginary Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 35.53
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Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 18.83
Huis Clos Jean Paul Sartre / Meki uvez 8.08

This is the first English translation of Sartre's unfinished fourth volume of "Roads to Freedom", exploring the interrelations of politics, responsibility; friendship and freedom - themes central to Sartrean existentialism. "Last Chance" brings to an English-speaking audience for the first time the unfinished fourth volume of Jean-Paul Sartre's hugely important "Roads to Freedom cycle". "Sartre's Roads to Freedom" is generally read and regarded as a trilogy, made up of "Age of Reason", "The Reprieve" and "Troubled Sleep". In fact, Sartre began a fourth volume and, although he never finished the work, two chapters, "Strange Friendship" and "Last Chance", were published in French by Gallimard after his death. Set in a German prisoner of war camp, these chapters continue the story of Roads to Freedom, exploring the interrelations of politics, responsibility, friendship and freedom - themes central to Sartrean existentialism. The Pleiade edition published by Gallimard included a previously unpublished interview with Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir's account of his plans for the unfinished fourth volume, and an introduction to the unfinished fragments by the editor, Michel Contat. All this material is translated and published here in this, the first English-language edition of a work that makes an enormous contribution to our understanding of Sartre's hugely influential "Roads to Freedom" cycle.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Last Chance
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2009
Broj stranica 232
EAN 9781847065513
ISBN 1847065511
Libristo kod 04280953
Težina 264
Dimenzije 152 x 197 x 18
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca


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