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Making the Future

Knjiga Making the Future Noam Chomsky
Libristo kod: 01199964
Nakladnici Penguin Books, rujan 2012
"Making the Future" is the latest collection of essays from Noam Chomsky, one of our most vital and... Cijeli opis
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"Making the Future" is the latest collection of essays from Noam Chomsky, one of our most vital and provocative voices of political dissent. Taking up the thread from 2007's "Interventions", these penetrating and compelling articles examine numerous topics, including the financial crisis, Obama's presidency, WikiLeaks and the on-going conflicts in the Middle East. Restating and refining his commitment to democracy and finding inspiration in the popular uprisings of the Arab Spring, "Making the Future" is Chomsky's fiercely-argued and timely comment on a fast-changing world. Praise for Noam Chomsky: "Chomsky is one of a small band of individuals fighting a whole industry. And that makes him not only brilliant, but heroic". (Arundhati Roy). "Noam Chomsky is a global phenomenon ...he may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet today". ("New York Times Book Review"). "Noam Chomsky is an inspiration all over the world - to millions I suspect - for the simple reason that he is a truth-teller on an epic scale". (John Pilger). Noam Chomsky is the author of numerous bestselling political books, including "Hegemony or Survival", "Failed States", "Interventions", "What We Say Goes", "Hopes and Prospects" and "Gaza in Crisis", all of which are published by Hamish Hamilton/Penguin. He is an Institute Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT, and is widely credited with having revolutionized modern linguistics.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Making the Future
Autor Noam Chomsky
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2012
Broj stranica 320
EAN 9780241952580
ISBN 0241952581
Libristo kod 01199964
Nakladnici Penguin Books
Težina 206
Dimenzije 154 x 166 x 21
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