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Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate Student's Book Czech Edition

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate Student's Book Czech Edition Tim Falla
Libristo kod: 00129873
Nakladnici Oxford University Press, studeni 2011
A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, sup... Cijeli opis
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Kupci su kupili i

Solutions: Pre-Intermediate: Workbook Tim Falla / Meki uvez 32.55
Latina - Úvod do latinské terminologie Vlasta Seinerová / Meki uvez 7.26
Čítanka pro učební obory SOU Josef Soukal / Meki uvez 7.77
Stolničení Gustav Salač / Tvrdi uvez 16.27
Raduga po novomu 1 Stanislav Jelínek / Meki uvez 10.43
Literatura pro 1. ročník středních škol Renata Bláhová / Meki uvez 10.33
Odmaturuj! z českého jazyka Olga Mužíková / Meki uvez 8.69
Grinding it Out Ray Kroc / Meki uvez 10.23
Literatura pro 1. ročník středních škol Renata Bláhová / Meki uvez 7.46
Občanská nauka pro střední odborné školy Vladislav Dudák / Meki uvez 9.41
Český jazyk pro 1. ročník SOŠ collegium / Meki uvez 7.05

A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart.

Solutions has been thoroughly modernized with 80% new content to draw in students, embed the grammar and vocabulary presented, and engage them in the tasks. Its guided approach builds up every student’s confidence, through step-by-step objectives, lots of practice, meaningful personalization activities, and exam preparation tasks.

The course now embraces a wide range of teaching methods, furnishing the teacher with a flexible pick-and-choose package for use in the classroom, at home, and on the move. The digital elements of the course enliven the material and allow teachers to vary the pace and focus of their lessons.
Solutions turns all students into active learners, by offering a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities through extension and revision activities in all components - giving everyone a sense of achievement whatever their level.

Key features
•Lesson-per-page structure with achievable goals, clear signposting of the skill being practised, and gradual build-up to a productive outcome, gives everyone a sense of achievement after every class
•Updated, motivating texts with effective vocabulary exploitation activities for increased engagement and active practice
•Speaking is integrated into all lessons, with step-by-step guidance leading to real-life practice, to make the activities meaningful and memorable
•Workbooks with integrated audio, either in a print + audio CD combination, or online with built-in audio and an automated marking system, offer students a huge amount of listening practice while giving the teacher the option of reducing their marking load
•Productive tasks, ‘Check your work’ features, Exam Strategy boxes, and opportunities for home learning through the Online Workbook and Words phone app all help to involve the students actively in their learning process and build their confidence in preparation for exams
•DVD-ROM material for every Culture, Reading, or Speaking lesson in the Student’s Book reinforces the grammar and vocabulary being taught and presents it in a different, student-appealing context
•iTools material and extra activities on the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM allow the teacher to vary the pace and focus of the lesson, and tailor the material in a mixed-ability classroom setting
•The Words phone apps offer fun, ‘on the move’ vocabulary reference and practice, giving students control over their vocabulary revision

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate Student's Book Czech Edition
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2012
Broj stranica 136
EAN 9780194552936
ISBN 978-0-945529-3-6
Libristo kod 00129873
Težina 365
Dimenzije 222 x 275 x 6
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

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