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Milet Mini Picture Dictionary (arabic-english)

Knjiga Milet Mini Picture Dictionary (arabic-english) Sedat Turhan
Libristo kod: 04251000
Nakladnici Milet Publishing Ltd, siječanj 2003
Designed with preschoolers in mind, the "Milet Mini" is a board book version of the popular "Milet P... Cijeli opis
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Designed with preschoolers in mind, the "Milet Mini" is a board book version of the popular "Milet Picture Dictionary." Featuring Sally Hagin's highly-praised, bold, and painterly artwork, the "Milet Mini" covers key subjects, like colors, shapes, animals, plants, and food. Each page includes four to five images with clear text, so it's perfect for identifying objects and learning words. The artwork will stimulate the child's creativity as well. An educational and visual treat! Available in English and twelve bilingual editions. Bilingual Editions--$7.99 Albanian-English: 1-84059-368-7 Arabic-English: 1-84059-369-5 Bengali-English: 1-84059-370-9 Chinese-English: 1-84059-371-7 French-English: 1-84059-372-5 German-English: 1-84059-373-3 Italian-English: 1-84059-385-7 Somali-English: 1-84059-375-X Spanish-English: 1-84059-376-8 Turkish-English: 1-84059-377-6 Urdu-English: 1-84059-378-4 Vietnamese-English: 1-84059-379-2

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