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Native American Clothing

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Native American Clothing Theodore Brasser
Libristo kod: 05080324
Nakladnici Firefly Books, studeni 2009
More than five centuries of native peoples' artistry. Native Americans crafted beautiful clothing ou... Cijeli opis
? points 140 b
Vanjske zalihe Šaljemo za 14-18 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

Kupci su kupili i

The North American Indian Edward Sheriff Curtis / Tvrdi uvez 23.34
Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans Scott Sutton / Meki uvez 20.78
Plains Indian Buffalo Cultures Emma I Hansen / Tvrdi uvez 65.33
Native Americans (American Indians) R S Rodella / Meki uvez 10.64
Plains Indians Andrew Santella / Meki uvez 9.72

More than five centuries of native peoples' artistry. Native Americans crafted beautiful clothing out of skins, pigment, quills and sinew. The collection of photographs in this outstanding reference celebrates this decorative genius. Many of the 300 photographs from more than 60 leading museums and private collections have never been published previously. The book describes the clothing in fascinating detail, from moccasins and tunics to sashes, bags and ceremonial and burial costumes. Theodore Brasser explains who made what and how, as well as the meanings of the different kinds of decoration, such as beadwork, embroidery, applique, patchwork, weaving and dyeing. There are also many examples of native pottery and other historic artifacts that depict themes used in the clothes. "Native American Clothing" provides a thorough historical background of the many influences on this clothing, including: Mythology Social status Political standing Wealth Climate Geography Contact with European settlers. The book covers the entire North American continent and is organized by tribal groups and regions: Southeast Northern east coast Eastern Great Lakes Eastern sub-Arctic Great Lakes Plains Southwest Plateau/desert California Northwest coast Western sub-Arctic Arctic. Numerous maps show the ranges of the tribes and convey how trade and travel spread cultural themes. With authoritative text and art-quality color reproductions, "Native American Clothing" will be important to collectors and historians and will also appeal to general readers.

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