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Navy SEAL Shooting

Jezik EngleskiEngleski
Knjiga Meki uvez
Knjiga Navy SEAL Shooting Chris Sajnog
Libristo kod: 12518294
Nakladnici Center Mass Group, LLC, kolovoz 2015
Imagine if you could learn to shoot safely and effectively at home - saving you time and money you d... Cijeli opis
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Imagine if you could learn to shoot safely and effectively at home - saving you time and money you don't have. Well, now you can! Navy SEAL Shooting teaches you the groundbreaking training method developed by one of the most respected firearms instructors in the world, retired Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and 385 illustrations, this book covers everything you need to know to make effective shots in any high-stress situation. You will learn to plan your training, improve your accuracy and speed, shoot while moving, and clear malfunctions. Plus discover every manipulation needed for any semi-automatic pistol or rifle. Whether in combat, competition, or just safely and confidently protecting yourself or your family, this book will help you dominate any opponent. It's the middle of the night... You hear a sudden crash in the kitchen... Someone has broken into your home. He's armed and ready to kill. Will you be able to protect your family? Shoot like a Navy SEAL, Unlock Your Warrior Potential, and Protect Your Family -- Without Expensive Trips to the Firing Range! I've trained the world's deadliest snipers, and today... I'm going to train you. Dear Concerned Citizen, My name is Chris Sajnog. I'm a retired US Navy SEAL and the man who created the US Navy SEAL Sniper Training program. I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I am one of the world's leading firearms training experts. I've trained our country's real-life heroes, the men who do things most people only try in a video game. I didn't always have these skills. In fact, I had never even fired a gun until I joined the military. But if you're willing to take the first step and actually begin training, you can master anything. Today, firearms experts around the world come to me for advice. I've trained hundreds of US Navy SEALs. And now, I'm ready to share those skills with everyday citizens like you who need to protect their families from our growing domestic criminals. But first, let me ask you something... * How good is your aim? * Can you hit a bulls-eye at 100 yards? * More importantly, can you hit a man-sized target in the middle of the night? During a life-and-death situation, you need to be fully prepared for anything that comes your way. Making even one mistake during a violent encounter can mean death for you and your family. It's not your fault. Thanks to my training as a US Navy SEAL, I was given all the time, ammo, and hands-on training that I needed. Most people don't have that luxury. But I've trained the world's deadliest snipers, and now, I'm teaching you those same techniques. Master Your Weapon and Protect Your Family with My Book: Navy SEAL Shooting. Navy SEALs are just regular people with a unique set of skills. With this book, you're going to learn some of those world-class skills

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Navy SEAL Shooting
Autor Chris Sajnog
Jezik Engleski
Uvez Knjiga - Meki uvez
Datum izdanja 2015
Broj stranica 388
EAN 9781943787005
ISBN 194378700X
Libristo kod 12518294
Težina 898
Dimenzije 216 x 280 x 20
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

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