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Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering

Jezik NjemačkiNjemački
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering Griebel Michael
Libristo kod: 02004494
Founded in April, 1992 and financed by the State of Bavaria and the Bavarian Re search Foundation, t... Cijeli opis
? points 175 b
Vanjske zalihe u manjem broju Šaljemo za 14-18 dana

30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

Moglo bi vas zanimati i

Schafberg & Wolfgangsee Clemens M. Hutter / Tvrdi uvez 9.10
1/1000th Bob Martin / Tvrdi uvez 57.95
Seeds of Eden: Prince of Bara Robert Osborn / Meki uvez 14.02
Basic Electromagnetism and its Applications A.J. Compton / Meki uvez 65.22
Elwiss Renate Heberle / Meki uvez 10.13
Colony of New Netherland Jaap Jacobs / Meki uvez 25.08

Founded in April, 1992 and financed by the State of Bavaria and the Bavarian Re search Foundation, the Bavarian Consortium for High Performance Scientific Comput ing (FORTWIHR) consists of more than 40 scientists working in the fields of engineer ing sciences, applied mathematics, and computer science at the Technische Universitat Munchen and at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg. Its inter disciplinary concept is based on the recognition that the increasing significance of the yet young discipline High Performance Scientific Computing (HPSC) can only be given due consideration if the technical knowledge of the engineer, the numerical methods of the mathematician, and the computers and up to date methods of computer science are all applied equally. Besides the aim to introduce HPSC into the graduate degree program at the universi ties, there is a strong emphasis on cooperation with industry in all areas of research. Direct cooperation and a transfer of knowledge through training courses and confer ences take place in order to ensure the rapid utilization of all results of research. In this spirit, FORTWIHR annually organizes symposiums on High Performance Scientific Computing and Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering.

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