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Objectif Falaise

Jezik FrancuskiFrancuski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Objectif Falaise Georges Bernage
Libristo kod: 05036731
Nakladnici Editions Heimdal, listopad 2011
A full colour album packed with photos of the battle of the Falaise Pocket The battle of the Falais... Cijeli opis
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30 dana za povrat kupljenih proizvoda

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France 1940: Les Panzers Jean-Yves Mary / Tvrdi uvez 59.07

A full colour album packed with photos of the battle of the Falaise Pocket The battle of the Falaise Pocket, fought during World War II from 12 - 21 August 1944, was the decisive engagement of the Battle of Normandy. Taking its name from the area around the town of Falaise within which Army Group B, consisting of the German 7th and 5th Panzer Armies became encircled by the advancing Western Allies, the battle is also referred to as the Falaise Gap after the corridor which the Germans sought to maintain to allow their escape. The battle resulted in the destruction of the bulk of Germany's forces west of the River Seine and opened the way to Paris and the German border. This battle is also noted as the scene of the death of Michael Wittmann, one of Germany's top scoring Panzer aces and a household name in Germany at the time. This book is packed with photographs, some in colour, of the most dramatic days of the battle, and is an invaluable reference tool to any modeller, historian or enthusiast. French Language

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Objectif Falaise
Jezik Francuski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2011
Broj stranica 80
EAN 9782840483120
ISBN 2840483122
Libristo kod 05036731
Nakladnici Editions Heimdal
Težina 552
Dimenzije 218 x 301 x 9
Poklonite ovu knjigu još danas
To je jednostavno
1 Dodajte knjigu u košaricu i odaberite isporuku kao poklon 2 Zauzvrat ćemo vam poslati kupon 3 Knjiga dolazi na adresu poklonoprimca

Moglo bi vas zanimati i

Panzer Tracts No.12-1: Flakpanzer IV Hilary Doyle / Meki uvez 23.44
Devils' Line, Volume 3 Ryoh Hanada / Meki uvez 11.87
Villers-Bocage Frederic Deprun / Tvrdi uvez 56.51
Les Panzers Face Au Debarquement Georges Bernage / Tvrdi uvez 38.08
Waffen-Ss Armour in Normandy Norbert Szamveber / Tvrdi uvez 85.69
Les Paras De La Waffen-Ss Rudiger Franz / Tvrdi uvez 65.21
KoeNigstiger Lukasz Gladysiak / Meki uvez 23.23
Corridor of the Death Georges Bernage / Meki uvez 26.10
2.Panzerdivision En Normandie Tome 1 Frederic Deprun / Tvrdi uvez 74.83
Baseball Ron Martriano / Meki uvez 7.98
Hell in Hill 112 / Tvrdi uvez 43.50
Cymatics Hans Jenny / Tvrdi uvez 63.57
Operation Cobra Georges Bernage / Tvrdi uvez 59.07
Berlin 1933-1945 Antonia Meiners / Meki uvez 12.17
Battle of the Bulge - Volume 2 Philippe Guillemot / Tvrdi uvez 40.64
Admiral Satan Roderick Cavaliero / Tvrdi uvez 65.82


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