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Passion for Africa: Collecting African Art in Italy. a History

Jezik FrancuskiFrancuski
Knjiga Tvrdi uvez
Knjiga Passion for Africa: Collecting African Art in Italy. a History Jean-Louis Padrant
Libristo kod: 05053038
Nakladnici Officina Libraria, prosinac 2009
The book, edited and written by one of the major scholars of African art, traces a history of the co... Cijeli opis
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The book, edited and written by one of the major scholars of African art, traces a history of the collecting of African art in Italy, starting with a legendary figure like Guido Monzino and arriving to contemporary collectors. More than one hundred objects that have belonged or belong to Italian collections are illustrated in full colour and give a full perception of the high quality of the works of art collected. A year by year chronology/bibliography lists all events (exhibitions, conferences) and publications linked to African art in Italy. Four interviews to famous Italian collectors of African art close the book. A DVD with the videos of the two most important exhibitions of African art in Italy (Rome 1990 and Turin 2003/2004) is included in the book.

Informacije o knjizi

Puni naziv Passion for Africa: Collecting African Art in Italy. a History
Jezik Francuski
Uvez Knjiga - Tvrdi uvez
Datum izdanja 2009
Broj stranica 240
EAN 9788889854426
ISBN 8889854421
Libristo kod 05053038
Nakladnici Officina Libraria
Težina 1908
Dimenzije 245 x 307 x 31
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